Setting the environment
- Android
- iOS
In the Application
class, you should set the environment you’re running the app in – this will either be Sandbox
for testing or Production
to enable real bank payments to be made.
import io.volt.sdk.Volt
class App : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
environment = VoltEnvironment.Sandbox,
Use VoltSDK.shared.setEnvironment(environment: VoltEnvironment)
to set the environment you’re running the SDK in – this will either be .sandbox
for testing or .production
to enable real bank payments to be made.
When using .sandbox
no money exchange hands, so it can be safely used for testing. You can switch between .sandbox
and .production
in runtime, however keep in mind that payments are not shared between these modes. To check which environment SDK is using at the moment use VoltSDK.shared.getEnvironment().isSandbox
For other requests that your app will have to send to Volt API use VoltSDK.shared.getEnvironment().host
to obtain host part of the API URL. This way requests that you make will always use the same host as the SDK.
import SwiftUI
import VoltSDK
struct VoltApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.onAppear {
VoltSDK.shared.setEnvironment(environment: .sandbox)
The linked-accounts endpoint
Endpoint that is responsible for checking if a shopper is a returning one or paying for the first time. The response will include saved banks if there are any, that a shopper has completed a transaction with before.
Sandbox server, for making test payments:
Production server:
- currency: string
Optional, if provided filter list to banks that support given currency.
Example :EUR
- shopperEmail: string
Either the shopperReference or shopperEmail fields are required
- shopperReference: string
Either the shopperReference or shopperEmail fields are required
If either of required parameters is provided, then the endpoint will return 404 error.
: string
Example request
curl "" \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-Volt-Api-Version: 4' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer **token**' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{}'
Example response
"id": "2a80bcad-737b-42a8-91d7-0cfbce6d5351",
"name": "revolut",
"supportedCurrencies": [
"country": {
"id": "DE",
"name": "Germany"
"officialName": "Revolut",
"active": true,
"logo": "",
"icon": "",
"agreements": {
"supports": false,
"hasActive": false
Selecting a bank
If there is a bank returned from the /linked-accounts endpoint, bank selection can be skipped. If there is no bank returned or the shopper doesn’t want to use the previously-used bank, then a new bank selection will be required.
Request bank selection through the SDK, and wait for the selected bank.
- Android
- iOS
import io.volt.sdk.Volt
val launcher = registerForActivityResult(
context: Context,
launcher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>,
customerId: String,
fun onBankSelected(activityResult: ActivityResult?) {
val bankData = Volt.getBankData(activityResult)
import VoltSDK
private var voltSdk = VoltSDK.shared
voltSdk.selectBank(customerId: String) { bankModel in
print("Bank selection view ended")
Changing the selected bank
For changing a bank, you should use the changeBank
method. The only difference is that welcome screen will be omitted.
Request the change of bank process through the SDK, and wait for the selected bank.
- Android
- iOS
import io.volt.sdk.Volt
val launcher = registerForActivityResult(
context: Context,
launcher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>,
customerId: String,
fun onBankSelected(activityResult: ActivityResult?) {
val bankData = Volt.getBankData(activityResult)
import VoltSDK
private var voltSdk = VoltSDK.shared
voltSdk.changeBank(customerId: String) { bankModel in
print("Bank selection view ended")
Creating a payment
After the shopper has selected a bank to proceed with their payment, you’ll need to create a payment using the Volt API. For that create a request using following endpoint providing all the details needed to make a payment.
Sandbox server, for making test payments:
Production server:
- currencyCode: string
= 3 characters
Required. Currency in which the payment should be made, in ISO 4217 format (3 uppercase letters)
- amount: integer
<= 2147483647
Required. The amount of the transaction in 1/100 units (pence, cents, etc)
- type: string. Enum:
Required. The transaction type (please select the most appropriate for your transaction)
- uniqueReference: string
<= 18 characters
Unique reference for the payment from the merchant, must contain only alphanumeric characters. Unique reference has to be unique for given account identifications (i.e. IBAN) of the beneficiary.
Required if merchantInternalReference is not provided.
- merchantInternalReference: string
<= 100 characters
A field that can be used to identify the transaction in the merchant’s system, which can be used as longer alternative to the uniqueReference field. If this field contains a value, but uniqueReference is not provided, then payment unique reference will be automatically generated by Volt.
Required if uniqueReference is not provided.
Match pattern:^[a-zA-Z0-9\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\_\+\=\{\[\]\}\;\:\?\|\-]*$
- shopper: object
Required. A shopper object that corresponds to this payment
Example:{ "firstName": "Johnny", "lastName": "Shopper", "reference": "reference123" }
- reference: string
>= 3 characters, <= 256 characters
Required. Identifier of the payer, cannot be the same as uniqueReference used in the payment
Match pattern:^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@?[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*$
- firstName: string
Payer’s first name (required when lastName also provided)
- lastName: string
Payer’s last name (required when firstName also provided)
- organisationName: string
Payer’s organization name (required when firstName and lastName are not provided)
- reference: string
: string
: string
Example request
curl -X "POST" "" \
-H 'X-Volt-Api-Version: 4' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer **token**' \
-H 'X-Volt-Initiation-Channel: mobileSdk' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"currencyCode": "EUR",
"amount": 100,
"type": "GOODS",
"uniqueReference": "payment123",
"shopper": {
"firstName": "Johnny",
"reference": "reference123",
"lastName": "Shopper"
- 201 Created. The payment request was validated, accepted and payment was created
- id: string
ID of the created payment request - checkoutUrl: string
Redirect URL to the checkout - token: string
JWT token
JWT token containing data about the created payment request
- id: string
- 400 Bad request. We cannot accept the payload from the request, because the data is invalid or malformed. The response will contain description of the actual problem
- 401 Access denied. Your credentials were invalid. It may be that the token you’ve used has expired. Try authenticating with valid or updated credentials and retry the payment request
- 403 Not authorized. Although your credentials are correct, your access to this section of the API has been disabled or limited. Subsequent requests to this endpoint (even with valid data) will not be processed
Example response
"id": "ec3a7819-6055-44b4-bc99-84411358c01f",
"checkoutUrl": "**token**",
"token": "**JWTtoken**"
Starting a payment request
Request the payment process with the updated token:
- Android
- iOS
fragmentManager: FragmentManager,
token: String,
VStack(spacing: 44) {
//View content
.voltPaymentSheet(token: $viewModel.token)
Agreements Clause
If the SDK’s welcome screen is skipped (e.g., in a returning shopper flow), you must present the Agreements Clause to the shopper before initiating payment. To ensure accuracy and up-to-date content, you can retrieve the Agreements Clause text directly from the SDK, guaranteeing it always links to the correct documents.
- Android
- iOS
// Not available yet