Transfer limits for shoppers

Volt initiates payments as bank transfers. This means that the transfers are subject to limitations set to bank transfers.

There are various factors that determine the individual transfer limits. Here are the 3 most relevant ones for Volt payments (in no specific order)

  • the payment scheme,
    e.g. SEPA Instant max amount is 100.000 EUR,
  • the bank and transfer specific or,
    e.g. transfers to unknown beneficiaries are limited, especially to those in other countries,,
  • the individual shopper specifications,
    e.g. daily spending limits, single transfer limits set individually, or accounts types with transfer limits.

What happens if the transfer limit is exceeded?

If the transfer amount exceeds the limit, the payment may be rejected, or the bank may require additional verification before processing the transfer. Note that limits of the payment scheme can’t be exceeded.

Determining the transfer limit for a payment

The bank or transfer limits as well as the shopper individual transfer limits are not available to Volt before or even after the payment. In most cases, a transfer which exceeds the set limits is rejected without further information or set for additional verification often without clear guidance on what that entails for the shopper. The bank labels the payment as generally failed or pending without further details.

As a result, there is no reliable way to determine the transfer limit for a payment.

Best practices to handle limits for high amount transfers

There are general rules that apply to all bank transfers in the context of payment amount limits.

Repeated transfers to a known beneficiary are fewer times rejected While the first time a shopper pays an unknown beneficiary limits are more strict, transfers to known beneficiaries – meaning those that already were used in previous payments – will see fewer rejections due to limits. This is especially the case for cross-border transfers. Some banks even block transfers to other countries with a limit of 0 (zero) unless the shopper releases that by changing the in their online banking or contacting their bank. Advice the shopper to contact their bank directly Some shoppers are aware of their specific transfer amount limits, especially if they often purchase high value items. Advising the shopper to contact their bank before or shortly after the payment can serve as a helpful reminder. This may not allow the current payment to still be processed but it can help to reduce the chances of a repeated failed payment due to amount limits. Remove Volt for amounts that exceed the payment scheme amount limits Even though we would like to be available for all purchases, those payments that exceed the scheme limits will certainly fail. For guidance we list the payment schemes with their limits below. Please contact us if you have any more questions.

Transfer amount limits by payment scheme

Transfer amount limits by payment scheme
Payment scheme Location Currency Maximum amount Expected limit
BACS 🇬🇧 UK GBP No limit
CHAPS 🇬🇧 UK GBP No limit
ELIXIR 🇵🇱 Poland PLN PLN 100,000
Faster Payments Scheme (FPS) 🇬🇧 UK GBP 250.000 GBP To new beneficiaries 1.000 – 25.000 GBP
NICS Real (Straks) 🇳🇴 Norway NOK 40,000 NOK 40.000 NOK
PayTo 🇦🇺 Australia AUD No limit
Pix 🇧🇷 Brazil BRL No limit Typically banks set a limit
RIX 🇸🇪 Sweden SEK No limit
SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) SEPA EUR No limit 15.000 EUR
SEPA Instant (SCT Inst) SEPA EUR 100.000 EUR 15.000 EUR
SWIFT Worldwide any No limit No limit

Transfer amount limits for major UK banks

Transfer amount limits for major UK banks
Bank Limit Details
Lloyds Banking Group:
Bank of Scotland
Personal: £99,999
Business: £250,000
Commercial/Retail: £25,000
Please refer to these pages for more info:
Bank of Scotland
NatWest Group:
Personal: £1,000
This can be increased to £5,000 by adding recipient to the trusted beneficiaries list in the app or online banking.
The user can also increase to £20,000 via online banking.
Premier/Business: £5,000
The user can increase to £50,000 via online banking
Please refer to this page for more info.
£1 million will not be the default Faster Payment limit for Bankline customers. Instead, it will be the maximum limit that customers can set.
Barclays Personal: Up to £10,000
Premier: Up to £30,000
Business: Up to £50,000
Are there limits to the amount I can pay in Online Banking?
HSBC Personal: Up to £50,000
Business: Up to £100,000
Please also refer to these pages for more info:
Private banking Payments
Daily mobile and online banking limit
Santander Retail: £100,000
Corporate: £250,000
A single payment limit is £25,000, up to a maximum of £100,000 in a day.
Please also refer to this
page for more info.
Nationwide £100,000 Please also refer to this page for more info.
Danske £25,000 Please also refer to this page for more info.
Revolut Up to £500,000 Specific limits:
£250k per transaction
£500k per day
£1m per week
One user cannot make more than 50 transfers in 24 hours, or more than 200 transfers in 7 days.
Please also refer to this
page for more info.
Monzo Retail: £10,000
Business – Sole trader: £25,000
Business – Ltd. Company: £50,000
To increase the limits, the user should contact Monzo’s Support team.
Please also refer to this
page for more info.
Starling Up to £1,000,000 In some circumstances, the customer will be asked to provide some further information regarding payments initiated via a TPP
Please also refer to this page for more info.
Bank of Ireland £20,000 Please also refer to this page for more info.
AIB UK Up to £20,000 Please also refer to this page for more info.
TSB Retail: £25,000
Business: Overall limit is £100,000,
£50,000 per transaction
First Direct £25,000 Please also refer to this page for more info.