Troubleshooting notifications

We will make up to 6 attempts to deliver a notification with the aim of receiving a 200 (OK) response from you. A small delay will be added between each attempt in case a technical glitch is preventing the notifications arriving. The first retry will be after 5 seconds, the next after 30 seconds, 3 minutes, 10 minutes and every further will be after 15 minutes.

We will not stop sending you the notifications but all those that failed in the delivery attempt will be queued by us.

If we fail to deliver any notification 6 times in a row

  • We will monitor if any notification was not delivered to you 6 times in a row or failed to be delivered after the last retrial. 
  • If such an event occurred, there will be a summary report sent to you via email listing all payments for which notifications have not been successfully received by you. As the report will be sent once per hour, it will gather the notifications that failed within this particular time.
  • The email will be sent to your technical and/or primary contact, on the address you specified in Fuzebox.
  • If we don’t hear from you that the problem is fixed, then someone from Volt will be in touch.
  • If it’s a problem at your end then, once you’ve fixed the issue, go into Fuzebox and send a test notification (see below) to yourself. If that works, don’t worry, we’ll automatically send you any notifications you may have missed. 

If you still aren’t receiving previously failed notifications

  • Have you sent a test notification to the correct URL and responded with an HTTP 200 status? We won’t send any queued live payment notifications until we know you can process the test notification properly.
  • Are notifications showing as enabled in Fuzebox?
  • If you responded to the test notification and it was a success but payment notifications are not being delivered, please contact our support team and we’ll get to the bottom of it.