Technical integration

The technical integration with Volt Gateway to support payments in Australia is the same as in every other country, but with some market-specific requirements. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for an efficient and successful integration for Australia and PayTo.

To make your first AUD payment

  1. Generate access credentials in your Fuzebox account
  2. Authenticate with the API
  3. Create your payment depending on the integration method:
    1. For hosted checkout: request a payment via the API and redirect the shopper to the hosted checkout
    2. For embedded checkout: create the payment request and render the checkout component on your page
  4. Setup notifications to receive updates about payment status

1. Fuzebox account

To start your technical integration, you’ll first need to create an account for Fuzebox, our merchant portal, and then generate an application and some access credentials.

Return URLs

These are where we’ll return your shopper to once they’ve completed the checkout process.  You can define different URLs if you have a different experience depending on whether the payment was successful, failed, is pending, or was cancelled by the shopper.

  • For hosted checkout
  • For embedded checkout

For an application using our hosted checkout, you can choose to use different return URLs, or the same URL in the required fields.

Find out more in our direct integration guide

For an application using our embedded checkout, we don’t need to return your user anywhere so we don’t need return URL information. However, the fields are still required – so please just paste in the required fields.

Find out more in our direct integration guide

2. Authenticate

Before making any API requests you need to first authenticate with the access credentials you created in Fuzebox.  

Find out more about API authentication View in API Docs

For Volt hosted checkout

If you’re integrating Volt’s Hosted Checkout, you should call the /payments endpoint using the POST method.

Required header

You must include the following header (in addition to the Authorization header you already provide).  

Header name Value
X-Volt-Api-Version 4


In the request, make sure to send the required parameters as detailed in the Volt API docs:

POST /payments
   "currencyCode": "AUD",
   "amount": 10000, // The amount of the transaction in 1/100 units (pence, cents etc)
   "type": "OTHER", // or any other type supported in Australia, according to your business profile
   "uniqueReference": "123456789", // Unique reference for the payment from the merchant, must contain only alphanumeric characters
   "additionalDescription": "Purchase for new shoes at - brand ABC", //payment description allowing to pass some additional data. It is sent to PayTo platform, presented in shoppers bank as payment and payment agreement description. ASCII-printable characters only.
   "shopper": {
      "reference": "user-13489", // Your unique reference for the shopper, can contain alphanumeric characters plus selected symbols as shown in the pattern
      "firstName": "Joe",
      "lastName": "Smith"

For embedded checkout

If you’re using Volt’s Embedded Checkout you should call the /dropin endpoint using the POST method.

In the request, make sure to send the required parameters as detailed in the Volt API docs:

POST /dropin
   "currencyCode": "AUD",
   "amount": 10000, // The amount of the transaction in 1/100 units (pence, cents etc)
   "type": "OTHER", // or any other type supported in Australia, according to your business profile
   "uniqueReference": "123456789", // Unique reference for the payment from the merchant, must contain only alphanumeric characters
   "additionalDescription": "Purchase for new shoes at - brand ABC", //payment description allowing to pass some additional data. It is sent to PayTo platform, presented in shoppers bank as payment and payment agreement description. ASCII-printable characters only.
   "shopper": {
      "reference": "user-13489", // Your unique reference for the shopper, can contain alphanumeric characters plus selected symbols as shown in the pattern
      "firstName": "Joe",
      "lastName": "Smith"
Initialising and configuring the drop-in component

In order to initialise the drop-in component, follow the integration as described in the Volt Embedded Checkout (v2) guide.

Render Volt Embedded Checkout

Render the component as described in the Volt Embedded Checkout (v2) guide.

Completing the payment

The shopper enters one of the two possible identifications to complete the payment

  • PayID – the default method of account identification using an email address or mobile phone number.  Shoppers can easily set this up at their bank.
  • BSB & Account Number – for shoppers who don’t yet have a PayID

Once the shopper clicks the “Pay” button, Volt will handle the payment.  The checkout will wait for payment status updates until it succeeds or fails, at which point you’ll receive a notification from Volt and can update your UI as appropriate. 

Note: Please note that for payments in AUD we don’t support different countries and languages. During the component initialisation you can pass any value in language or country but they will have no effect on the payment request.

4. Notifications

Volt notifications work the same way for AUD payments as in Europe, the UK and Brazilian flows.  You should integrate them to your system according to the notification guide so that we can inform you when the payment has been successful (or otherwise). 

Find out more about notifications

When a payment is successful

For the Australian checkout, you should wait until you receive a notification that the payment status has changed to COMPLETED and update your shopper as appropriate. 

For embedded checkout, we additionally emit JavaScript events depending on the transaction result. This allows you to handle the shopper’s journey directly within your web application. More information on these events can be found in our Javascript library documentation.

For hosted checkout, the shopper is automatically redirected to a URL defined by the merchant based on the transaction result. These URLs should be configured for your application in Fuzebox separately for success and failure scenarios to ensure the shopper receives the appropriate feedback on their transaction.

Releasing goods or services

In common with other countries, you should not release goods or services until you’ve received the RECEIVED notification.  Or, if you’re not using Volt Connect, until you have verified that the funds have been received into your own bank account.