Volt Reports

Volt Reports provides

  • Payment reports
  • Connect report
  • Settlement report
  • Audit log report

Types of reports

Payment reports

Payment reports list all payments created by a Volt customer and optionally also include those created by their hierarchical children. The payments are shown with the status as of the time the report was requested. They include all the details used in the payment request and additional metadata added by Volt.

With the reports you can integrate Volt payment data into your own system for additional processing.

Connect reports (statement of Volt Connect account)

Connect reports list all operations that happened within the Volt Account, also called cash management account. Think about it like a bank statement that you fetch from your account for a specific period of time.

The report contains successfully received or settled payments, refunds, payouts or successfully completed settlements. These are:

  1. PAYMENTS in statuses RECEIVED and SETTLED
  2. REFUNDS in status CONFIRMED
  3. PAYOUTS in status COMPLETED
  5. CREDITS in status RECEIVED

This means it does not contain any transactions which are in any other state at the moment the report is requested.

1 virtual IBAN can have multiple Volt Connect accounts

Even though one virtual IBAN might be used by multiple merchants, due to inheritance from the parent account, these are different accounts due to different UUIDs (despite the fact that IBAN is the same). Remember that reports for the accounts of different merchants must be fetched separately.

How to get reports?

You can access Volt Reports in two ways: by downloading reports from Fuzebox or through the Volt Report API.

Download reports via Fuzebox

Fuzebox uses Volt Reports in the transaction overview. It allows you to download reports directly from within Fuzebox. That is great place to start to see if Volt Reports can also be helpful for you and decide for an API integration.

See your payments in Fuzebox when you
Go to Fuzebox > Payments > Transactions

Fetch reports via Report API

Access to Volt Reports requires API authentication.

To get a report via API you have to

  1. Request a report with a startDate and endDate
  2. Fetch the report details
  3. Fetch the reports once the report status is REPORT_AVAILABLE

In this documentation we focus on fetching reports via the report API.