Example Connect report

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Fields in a Connect report

Fields in the Connect report
Field Always filled? Description Example
customerId   Volt customer id (UUID) 497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08
customerName   Volt customer name Merchant ABC
bankAccountId   Volt Connect Account id (UUID) 497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08
connectAccountNumber   IBAN of the Volt Connect account DE03500105173924897949
transactionReference   Volt ID (UUID) of a particular transaction depending on the transactionType. This contains the paymentId for PAYMENT, batchId for SETTLEMENT, payoutId for PAYOUT, refundId for REFUND) 497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08
paymentId No Identifier of the original transaction in case of a payment or refund.
Only when transactionType is REFUND or PAYMENT
batchId   Identifier of a particular Connect settlement, in which the transaction was settled. * Only when transactionType is PAYMENT  
reference   Identifier or reference of the operation provided by merchant. This is the description for payments and payoutTitle for payouts.  
merchantInternalReference   Merchant internal reference provided by merchant when initiating the payment order_1234567890 or Flight1234567890
externalReference   Refund reference provided by merchant  
amountNetCredit   Net credit amount related to incoming payments  
amountNetDebit   Net debit amount related to outgoing settlements, refunds or payouts  
amountGrossCredit   Gross credit amount related to incoming payment  
amountGrossDebit   Gross debit amount related to outgoing settlements, refunds or payouts  
currency   Currency of transaction EUR
transactionStatus   Volt’s status of the payment, payout, refund or settlement RECEIVED
createdAt   Timestamp of event creation  
updatedAt   Timestamp of last update of the transaction  
beneficiaryName No Name of payout or refund beneficiary  
beneficiaryAccountNumber No Account number of payout/refund beneficiary  
beneficiaryIban No IBAN of payout/refund beneficiary  
beneficiaryPIX No PIX key of payout/refund beneficiary