You can enable Volt Hosted Checkout in EUR, GBP and AUD (PayTo) via Optty on several eCommerce platforms, including BigCommerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, WooCommerce and Magento. To start processing Volt Pay by Bank payments, you only need to follow a few configuration steps. Start by configuring Optty on your platform: 

Check Optty Developer Docs for platform compatibility or contact

Choose the environment

You need to select which environment you will configure. The configuration steps for both environments are the same and you need to repeat them. Make sure you match the login at the Optty Universal Payment Platform page with the toggle in the top right corner in Fuzebox. 


Correct Environment

Always make sure you are configuring in the same environment in Fuzebox and on Optty. 

Generate the access credentials

To start using Volt payments, you first need to get the access credentials. These consist of your Volt customer username and password. You will be able to generate them via the Volt merchant portal (Fuzebox). The Volt team will enable your access to the portal by creating an account for you.

Generate the API username and password (NOT your username and password for Fuzebox)

  1. Login to Fuzebox.
  2. Generate Customer Credentials. You can find the Credentials section in the Configuration > Customers tab in Fuzebox. 
  3. Copy your Customer Username and paste it into the Username field on Optty. 
  4. Copy your Password safely and paste it into the Password field on Optty.

If you’re using Volt Connect functionalities (Refunds or Payouts), each API request needs to be signed using a SCA key, to comply with Strong Customer Authentication (find more information here).

Configure the SCA key pair 

  1. Login to Fuzebox.
  2. Generate your key pair using the details provided here.
  3. Copy your Private Key and paste it into the Private Key field on Optty.
  4. Upload your Public Key to Fuzebox in Configuration > Customers > Payment Configuration > Public keys tab. After this is done, you will get the public key ID.
  5. Copy your Public Key ID from Fuzebox and paste it into the Public Key ID field on Optty.

Please note that you should copy all credentials from Fuzebox immediately. The credentials will be encrypted once you close the window. If this happens, please regenerate the credentials in Fuzebox. 

Status mapping

The mapping of Volt payment statuses to Optty order statuses is pre-configured for you:

  • Volt PENDING payments are mapped to the Optty PENDING status.
  • Volt COMPLETED payment is mapped to the Optty PENDING status. 
  • Volt RECEIVED payment is mapped to the Optty SUCCESSFUL status. 
  • Volt FAILED payments are mapped to the Optty DECLINED status. 
  • Volt CANCELLED payment is mapped to the Optty CANCELLED status. 
  • Volt NOT RECEIVED payment is mapped to the Optty FAILED status. 
For more information on Volt payment statuses and notifications refer here and here


  1. Test the API connection. 
  2. If successful, click “Activate”. 

If you have any questions, contact our team at