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Account Balance Calulation

When using Volt Accounts or Connected Accounts, you can check the account balance in the Accounts section of Fuzebox or via the API. In Fuzebox, you will be able to see your general account balance, as well as the balance available for the next settlement. the balance shown, will be up to date at the time of the request.

Account balance

The account balance is a sum of all available funds calculated from the last Settlement. This includes collections from Gateway in the RECEIVED status, collected funds from Credits with CONFIRMED outgoing transactions incl. Refunds and Payouts subtracted.

Settlement amount

The Settlement amount is the balance available to be settled next: manually or in a batch. If a balance reserve is configured, the difference between the Account balance and the Settlement amount will be the reserve.

Account Balance from the API


You will need to submit an authentication request to the API first, in order to obtain the access token that you’ll need in order to request a balance using this endpoint.

Find out more about API Authentication View in API docs


  • Sandbox
  • Production
GET https://api.sandbox.volt.io/accounts/:accountId/balances
GET https://api.volt.io/accounts/:accountId/balances

Query parameters

Name Type Description
accountId String [uuid] id of the account to retrieve a balance for


200 OK

The example response below shows a balance of GBP 9983.89

GET /accounts/:accountId/balances
  "availableBalance": 998389,
  "currency": "GBP",
  "timestamp": "2024-05-29T09:57:41+00:00"
Fields in response
Name Type Description
availableBalance Numeric [integer] Balance of the account in minor units (eg cents, pence)
currency String (3) Currency code (3-letter ISO code)
timestamp Timestamp Timestamp in UTC for the balance

Error handling

401 Unauthorized

Your credentials were invalid, usually because a valid authentication token was not supplied. It may be that the token you used has expired. You will need to re-authenticate and then resubmit this request with updated credentials

Example unauthorized message (HTTP 401)
  "exception": {
    "code": 401,
    "message": "Unauthorized"
403 Access denied

Either you don’t have permission to view account balances or the account id you’ve specified is invalid.

Example access denied message (HTTP 403)
  "exception": {
    "code": 403,
    "message": "Access Denied."
422 Request cannot be processed

The account provider does not provide an account balance service.  This will only occur for specific accounts operated by one of our third-party providers.  If you receive this response, please contact Volt support for clarification.

Example unprocessable request message (HTTP 422)
  "exception": {
    "code": 422,
    "message": "Provider does not support this function"