Refund Status Codes

The following refund-specific status codes will be visible in Fuzebox and when you call GET /refunds/{refundId} in the API.

These status’ are not a 100% true reflection of the status updates you will get in the refund webhooks. Within these webhooks we append "refund_" in front of the status’ mentioned below. You can find more information on Refund Notifications here

  • Sandbox
  • Production
Status Description
CREATED The initial status of a refund.
APPROVED The refund approval process on your end has completed successfully and Volt can now try to send out the funds.
Refunds created using the API or created by financial admins automatically move to this status.
REJECTED The refund request has been rejected by the approval workflow setup in your company (to be added in a later version).
PROCESSING The refund request has been sent to our banking provider. If you don’t currently have money on the account to fund this refund it might take up to a few days for the next status transition.
CONFIRMED The refund has been sent from your Volt Connect account to the original shopper account.
FAILED The refund has failed. More information will be available in the error message of the refund notification. The most common reason is that you didn’t have enough money to fund the refund.