Volt Payouts
By using Volt Payouts, you will be able to pay funds out from your Volt or Connected Account to both known and new beneficiaries. We refer to a known beneficiary as anyone you’ve received money from in the past year using either the Volt Gateway or Credits functionalities. This is also referred to a “closed loop” payout system. In the “open loop” payout system, the beneficiary is not known before. In contrast to Volt Refunds, where you can only refund up to the value of a specific payment, with Payouts, you can pay out any amount, as long as you have sufficient balance in your account.
It’s possible to instruct a Payout via Fuzebox or via the API.
Payouts are disabled by default. Some limits to the functionality might apply depending on your business. Please also note that not all of the available Connected Account providers support sending payouts. If your business requires the Payout functionality, we’ll support you in choosing the best setup during the onboarding process. Please contact your Volt account manager or email us at support@volt.io.
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- Volt Payouts