Testing credits on Sandbox

If you would like to simulate incoming credits in the Sandbox environment, you can use the following endpoint:

POST https://api.sandbox.volt.io/notifications/mocker
  "voltPaymentId": "1ec66986-9174-420d-b72f-9367e6c1279e",
  "accountName": "Test Account",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "type": "payin",
  "status": "CONFIRMED",
  "receivedAt": "2024-11-03T02:30:00+01:00",
  "amount": 321,
  "reference": "test reference",
  "iban": null,
  "swiftBic": null,
  "accountNumber": "12345678",
  "sortCode": "123456",
  "payer": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "iban": "PL17109024026987316159914944",
    "swiftBic": "BUKBGB22",
    "accountNumber": null,
    "sortCode": null
  "customerId": "eeeeeeee-0001-eeee-eeee-eeeeeeeeeeee",
  "virtualAccountId": "65a4c575-df83-41f6-8333-21068b2a6864",
  "virtualAccountIdentifiers": {
    "iban": "DK2450517187342686", 
    "swiftBic": "DKNBDKKKXXX"

Fields in body

Field Type Presence Notes
voltPaymentId string required UUID – unique for each request
accountName string optional  
currency string required Should match the account
type string required  
status string required  
receivedAt string required Please set to today’s date
amount integer required Must be 321 to trigger a successful credit
reference string required  
iban string conditional Either iban or sortCode + accountNumber
if iban is passed it must match the Volt Account’s iban
swiftBic string conditional  
accountNumber string conditional Either sortCode + accountNumber or iban
sortCode string conditional  
payer.name string required  
payer.iban string optional  
payer.swiftBic string optional  
payer.accountNumber string optional  
payer.sortCode string optional  
customerId string required Your Volt customer UUID
virtualAccountId string optional UUID – unique for each request
virtualAccountIdentifiers.iban string optional required if you would like to test Virtual Accounts
virtualAccountIdentifiers.swiftBic string optional