Fuzebox configuration
To start implementing Volt Accounts, you need to get access to Fuzebox and the Volt API first.
Setting up Notifications
After getting access to the Volt system, you need to set up notification URLs in the Volt Accounts tab. Add the secure URLs that you’d like the notifications sent to, together with the email address of someone we can inform if we find any problems when sending the notifications. You will find the Accounts Notifications settings in Fuzebox under Accounts > Notifications.
Report Notifications
This is where we’ll notify you of confirmed settlements. Once you receive a notification that your settlement report is available, you’ll be able to download it in CSV format or retrieve the same data using the Volt API. Find more information about the report notifications here.
Payout Notifications
This is where we’ll notify you of the final status of the payout request.
Credit Notifications
This is where we’ll notify you of the incoming credit to your Volt Account. Find more information about the credit notifications here.
Refund Notifications
Refund notifications will be sent to the same URL as the payment notifications. This URL is configured in the Application section. Find more information about the refund notifications here.
Other settings
Also on this page, you can see the currencies you’ve enabled for Connect – and which additional ones are available. If you’d like to enable Connect for any of these additional currencies, please contact your account manager or send an email to support@volt.io.
All notification URL fields may be configured with the same link.
- On this page
- Fuzebox configuration