About Volt Accounts

Volt Accounts Vision

A unified solution for all of your treasury management needs. Our real-time orchestration engine, collects and reconciles funds, handles exceptions, and processes payouts and refunds and so much more.

Volt Accounts and Connected Accounts 

Volt offers two types of Accounts that differ in the feature set they provide. Volt Accounts offer the full suite of our Cash Management as the account ledgers themselves are operated by Volt. Connected Accounts are issued by one of our banking partners. They offer a limited set of capabilities. Our team will advise you on the best solution for your needs. 

Confirmation of Receipt

Both types of Volt Accounts are seamlessly integrated with the Volt Payments Gateway. You don’t need to monitor that account for incoming payments, we’ll take care of it for you. We know what payments you’re expecting and we’ll use our notification platform to let you know the moment those funds arrive.

When a payment is received into your account, we’ll automatically reconcile the payment received against the payment instructed and send an instant payment received notification to you. This enables you to ship goods or release services, safe in the knowledge that the money is already in your account.