As a Magento platform user, you can use the pre-configured plugin. With just a few touchpoints you can activate instant bank transfers for your customers and benefit from additional payment options and increased conversions. 

Find Volt’s Magneto plugin on GitHub

Step 1: Get access credentials to the Volt merchant portal (Fuzebox)

In order to start using Volt payments, you first need to get a set of access credentials. These consist of your Volt customer credentials and application credentials. You will be able to generate them via the Volt merchant portal (Fuzebox). Volt team will enable your access to the portal by creating an account for you.

  1. Activate your account by logging in after you receive the invitation email.
  2. Follow the steps described here. You will need to generate customer credentials as well as register an application to receive your ClientID and Client Secret. Once this is done, you can move on to the next step. 

Please note that you should copy all credentials from Fuzebox immediately and securely store them. The customer password will be encrypted once you close the window. 

Step 2: Install Volt-io Extension
  1. Log in to the Magento Marketplace administration panel.
  2. Volt plugin for Magento is open-source and available on GitHub so you can download the latest plugin component here
  3. Follow the steps on Github to install the extension.
Step 3: Configure Volt-io Extension
  1. In the Magento Marketplace administration panel, go to Stores > Configuration.
  2. Under the Sales section, click on Payment Methods and select Configure Payment Methods
  3. Locate the Volt Payment payment option and click on it to access the configuration settings.
  4. Enter the required information:
  • Set Title to the title of your choice.
  • Set Sandbox to Yes if you want to use the sandbox environment.
  • Set Client ID, Client Secret, Username and Password to values generated in Step 1: Get access credentials to the Volt merchant portal (Fuzebox).
  • Select Sort order for the payment method.
    • You can change the Status for pending payment field to the status you want to set for the order after the payment is started.
    • You can change the Status for received payment field to the status you want to set for the order after the payment is received.
    • You can change the Status for failed payment field to the status you want to set for the order after the payment is failed.

Save the configuration settings by clicking Save Config on the top right corner.